Procrastination Station

I am probably one of the worst procrastinators in the whole entire universe of universes.  It’s even harder to NOT procrastinate when your home schooled because when your home schooled it’s so easy to get caught up in something when your supposed to be doing school.  Like for example, I was supposed to do a history project that was due one day and it was like eight PM and it was due that night, so I thought to myself “Eh, I’ll start doing it at like 9:00 PM or something”.  So I was just surfing through every social media feed I had such as Instagrizzle (Instagram), tumblr, and Snapchazzle (Snapchat).  Then my mom said that we should watch an episode of Gilmore Girls (Don’t judge me, I find the show very interesting) and so I was like “Okay! Sureee” than we ended up watching like three whole freaking episodes that were like forty two freaking minutes each! Than I looked at the flippen clock and it was flippen 11:23 PM! I told my madre that I had to do a history project that was due that night and she was all like “Say WHAAT?! We have to get on that!” Thank Yeezuz my Madre was willing to help me because I think I would have got like a Z grade on overdue-ness.  I am actually writing this blog post instead of doing an english project I’m supposed to do (Fact of the night). And yet to this day, I am still a procrastinator and I am not proud. :’D I hope you enjoyed my story of coolness.  I will try and write more stuff 🙂

Good bye human beings ❤

1620686_609697149103262_362620693_nEnjoy this picture of this poor child buried in ice cream.

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